The Life of the Spirit and the Life of To-day

by Evelyn Underhill



S. Alexander. Space, Time, and Deity. London, 1920.

Blessed Angela of Foligno. Book of Divine Consolations (New Mediæval Library). London, 1908.

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Contra Gentiles (Of God and His Creatures), trans. by J. Rickaby, London, 1905.

St. Augustine. Confessions, trans. by Rev. C. Bigg. London, 1898.

Venerable Augustine Baker. Holy Wisdom, or Directions for the Prayer of Contemplation. London, 1908.

Charles Baudouin. Suggestion et Auto-suggestion. Paris, 1920.

Harold Begbie. William Booth, Founder of the Salvation Army. London, 1920.

William Blake. Poetical Works, with Variorum Readings by J. Sampson, Oxford, 1905.

—Jerusalem, edited by E.R.D. Maclagan and A.E.B. Russell. London, 1904.

Jacob Boehme. The Aurora, trans. by J. Sparrow, London, 1914.

—Six Theosophic Points, trans. by J.R. Earle, London, 1919.

—The Way to Christ. London, 1911.

St. Bonaventura. Opera Omnia. Paris, 1864–71.

Bernard Bosanquet. What Religion Is. London, 1920.

Dan Cuthbert Butler. Benedictine Monachism. London, 1919.

St. Catherine of Siena. The Divine Dialogue, trans. by Algar Thorold. London, 1896.

The Cloud of Unknowing, edited from B.M. Harl, 674, with an Introduction by Evelyn Underhill. London, 1912.

G.A. Coe. A Social Theory of Religious Education. New York, 1920.

Benedetto Croce. Æsthetic, or the Science of Expression, trans. by D. Ainslie. London, 1909.

—Theory and History of Historiography, trans. by D. Ainslie. London, 1921.

Dante Alighieri. Tutte le Opere. Rived. nel testo da Dr. E. Moore. Oxford, 1894.

Abbot Delatte. The Benedictine Rule. Eng. trans. London, 1921.

John Donne. Sermons: Selected Passages, with an Essay by L. Pearsall Smith. Oxford, 1919.

Meister Eckhart. Schriften und Predigten aus dem Mittelhochsdeutschen. Ubersetzt und herausgegeben von Buttner. Leipzig, 1903.

John Everard. Some Gospel Treasures Opened. London, 1653.

George Fox. Journal, edited from the MSS. by N. Penney. Cambridge, 1911.

Elizabeth Fry. Memoir with Extracts from her Journals and Letters, edited by two of her Daughters, 2nd. ed. London, 1848.

Edmund Gardner. St. Catherine of Siena. London, 1907.

Gabriela Cunninghame Graham. St. Teresa, her Life and Times. London, 1894.

Viscount Haldane. The Reign of Relativity. London, 1921.

J.O. Hannay. The Spirit and Origin of Christian Monasticism. London, 1903.

F.H. Hayward. The Lesson in Appreciation. New York, 1915.

F.H. Hayward and A. Freeman. The Spiritual Foundations of Reconstruction. London, 1919.

Violet Hodgkin. A Book of Quarter Saints. London, 1918.

Harold Höffding. The Philosophy of Religion. London, 1906.

Edmond Holmes. What Is and What Might Be. London, 1911.

—Give me the Young, London, 1921.

Baron Fredrick von Hügel. The Mystical Element of Religion. London, 1908.

—Eternal Life: A Study of its Implications and Applications. London, 1912.

—Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion. London, 1921.

Jacopone da Todi. Le Laude, secondo la stampa fiorentino del 1490. A cura di G. Ferri. Bari, 1915.

William James. The Varieties of Religious Experience. London, 1902.

William James. The Will to Believe and other Essays. London, 1897.

—Principles of Psychology. London, 1901.

St. John of the Cross. The Ascent of Mount Carmel, trans. by David Lewis. London, 1906.

—The Dark Night of the Soul, trans. by David Lewis. London, 1908.

Sir Henry Jones and J.H. Muirhead. The Life and Philosophy of Edward Caird. Glasgow, 1921.

Rufus Jones. Studies in Mystical Religion. London, 1909.

— Spiritual Reformers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. London, 1914.

Julian of Norwich. Revelations of Divine Love, edited by Grace Warrack. London, 1901.

C.G. Jung. The Psychology of the Unconscious. London, 1916.

Kabir. One Hundred Poems, edited by Rabindranath Tagore and Evelyn Underhill. London, 1915.

Thomas à Kempis. The Imitation of Christ: the Earliest English Translation (Everyman’s Library). London, n.d.

S. Kettlewell. Thomas à Kempis and the Brothers of the Common Life. London, 1882.

William Law. Liberal and Mystical Writings, edited by W. Scott Palmer. London, 1908.

W.P. Livingstone. Mary Slessor of Calabar. London, 1918.

Journal Spirituel de Lucie-Christine. Paris, 1912.

W. McDougall. An Introduction to Social Psychology, 9th ed. London, 1915.

—The Group Mind. Cambridge, 1920.

W.M. McGovern. An Introduction to Mahãyãna Buddhism. London, 1921.

Mechthild of Magdeburg. Das Fliessende Licht der Gottheit. Regensburg, 1869.

Reynold Nicholson. Selected Poems from the Divãni, Shamsi Tabriz. Cambridge, 1898.

—Studies in Islamic Mysticism. Cambridge, 1921.

J.H. Overton. John Wesley. London, 1891.

William Penn. No Cross, No Crown. London, 1851.

Plotinus. The Ethical Treatises, trans. from the Greek by Stephen Mackenna. London, 1917.

Plotinus. The Physical and Psychical Treatises, trans. from the Greek by Stephen Mackenna. London, 1921.

J.B. Pratt. The Religious Consciousness; a Psychological Study. New York, 1921.

Richard of St. Victor. Opera Omnia. Migne, Pat Lat., t. 196.

W.H.R. Rivers. Instinct and the Unconscious, Cambridge, 1920.

Richard Rolle of Hampole. The Fire of Love and Mending of Life, Englished by R. Misyn (E.E.T.S. 106).London, 1896.

Bertrand Russell. The Analysis of Mind, London, 1921.

John Ruysbroeck. The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, the Book of Truth, and the Sparkling Stone, trans. from the Flemish by C.A. Wynschenk Dom. London, 1916.

—The Book of the XII Béguines, trans. by John Francis. London, 1913.

R. Semon. Die Mneme, 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1908.

Herbert Spencer. Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical London, 1861.

B.H. Streeter and A.J. Appasamy. The Sadhu: a Study in Mysticism and Practical Religion. London, 1921.

B.H. Streeter. (edited by). The Spirit: God and His Relation to Man. London, 1919.

Blessed Henry Suso. Life, by-Himself, trans. by T.F. Knox. London, 1913.

Devendranath Tagore. Autobiography, trans. by S. Tagore and I. Devi, London, 1914.

A.G. Tansley. The New Psychology and its Relation to Life London, 1920.

St. Teresa. The Life of St. Teresa written by Herself, trans. by D, Lewis. London, 1904.

— The Interior Castle, trans. by the Benedictines of Stanbrook, 2nd ed. London, 1912.

—The Way of Perfection, ed. by E.R. Waller. London, 1902.

Theologia Germanica, ed. by Susanna Winkworth, 4th ed. London, 1907.

Soeur Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus: Histoire d’une Ame. Paris, 1911.

Francis Thompson. St. Ignatius Loyola. London, 1909.

W.F. Trotter. Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, 3rd ed. London, 1917.

Miguel da Unamuno. The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples, Eng. trans. London, 1921.

Evelyn Underhill. Jacopone da Todi, Poet and Mystic. London, 1919.

C.B. Upton. The Bases of Religious Belief. London, 1894.

J. Varendonck. The Psychology of Day-Dreams. London, 1921.

H.C. Warren. Buddhism in Translations. Cambridge, Mass., 1900.

John Wesley. Journal, from original MSS. Standard edition, vols 1–8. London, 1909–16.




1906 - The Miracles of Our Lady Saint Mary

1911 - Mysticism

1912 - Introduction to The Cloud of Unknowing

1913 - The Mystic Way

1914 - Introduction: Richard Rolle - The Fire of Love

1915 - Practical Mysticism

1915 - Introduction: Songs of Kabir

1916 - Introduction: John of Ruysbroeck

1920 - The Essentials of Mysticism, and other Essays

1922 - The Spiral Way

1922 - The Life of the Spirit and the Life of Today (Upton Lectures)

1926 - Concerning the Inner Life

1928 - Man and the Supernatural

1929 - The House of the Soul

1933 - The Golden Sequence

1933 - Mixed Pasture: Twelve Essays

1936 - The Spiritual Life

1943 - Introduction to the Letters of Evelyn Underhill
by Charles Williams


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